Photographer Tanya Laketext layer

The Casa of Blondze…

Crate art by Numskull

The Iconic Cube by Blondze

Blondze & his beautiful Jess

Picture of Che by Jonesy

A surfboard is always a good place for a posca pen…

Photograph (in the photograph) by Quiltz

I’m sensing a lego jedi/rasta theme here…

Bird of paradise & favourite lamp

Life’s a beach

Bikini Zone, next 20 ks. By Blondze

Red brick roofs of The Bra

Looking south to where the cave of the grey nurse sharks are. Arrr ….

Good lamp = warm & happy

1960’s fishtail

RIP Andy Irons


James is a photographer, but you won’t see many of his images around his place. Like a lot of artistic souls he gets his inspiration from other sources. Such as street art. One drunken evening he and a mate decided to paint the ugly sewage vent at Maroubra Beach into a rubix cube, which has now become a bit of an icon. Even the council who spray over graffitti now print pictures of it on their brochures.

After more than a decade of living in an iconic unit block across from the beach, James and his girl Jess have been evicted as one more art deco block makes way for glass and steel.

So now they are starting afresh. The “Time For Change” as his art by numskull declares.

Me: So what do you need in a creative space?

James: well, I guess first of all you’ve got to define creative space. Do you mean a creative space you’ve created that’s asthetically pleasing or are you talking about

me: i guess the place you live, really..

yeah well its really important i guess if thats the case. Lighting is such an important thing in creating an atmosphere for somewhere. Like, if you’ve got cold fluorescent tubes, that’s like, hell.

ha ha ha ha. That’s true

James like when you go past a window and you look in and you see a flickering TV or even a blue fluroescent light on in someones house, my first reaction is: that person must be really boring. I know that’s jumping to conclusions

me: no it’s true though

James: you’ve put absolutely no thought into the place where you spend time, you know and i guess i dunno, i guess its just really important to have somewhere where aesthetically it’s visually inspiring, whether its paintings on walls, good lighting, maybe cool furniture and you dont even have to spend any money, its just about creating a mood or an environment that is interesting rather than boring.

Me: so what would you say your aesthetic is?

Blondze: I guess it’s old school. Definitely inspired from furniture and design from the you know 60’s, 70’s kinda thing

Me:  A bit surf inspired?

Blondze: Yeah, a bit surf inspired. Wood. Wood’s good.

Me: Graffiti – paste ups?

Blondze: Yeah, obviously anything original sorta thing, street inspired. Like at our last place we had lots of graffiti art literally written on the wall and writing on the walls, snails on the walls. Unfortunately we cant do that here..

Me: like light, if you see a tungsten light, does that make you happy

James: makes me feel warm…

ha ha ha ha

Me: Shall we continue this at the beach? Cause I dont want to keep you inside. Hey what’s your favourite piece?

Definitely this lamp, which came from Tashy. Me: Really ? I think that was her dad’s. They were clearing out her place….

I just love this lamp. This is the third place I’ve had it in now…

Me: Do you have to have a creative environmnet to create?

Nah.. I know so many musos and often the spaces they work in and live in seem so uninspiring and i  find that so interesting, like, i wont mention any names but i went to a mates house one day and hes a really successful MC and i was so uninspired by his surroundings and it was just so boring, and i thought how could such a creative person live in a place that is so uninspiriing and that’s incongruous to me.

me: did he live with anyone else?

James: he lived with his partner and

did she indfluence the space?

i guess so, but thats the point. It comes from within, you dont have to have a room filled with pretty things to make pretty things

me: well some people aren’t visual people i guess

no i guess thats a different art form

yeah, musicians are aural people. And its more the sound

Oral. anal. A little bit of both.

ha ha ha. Well, thankyou



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